Global Methodist Church Catechism: How are we changed in regeneration?
Each Wednesday we will explore a question and answer summary of our faith from the Global Methodist Church called a Catechism.
Question: How are we changed in regeneration by the power of the Holy Spirit?
Answer: We are made partakers of the divine nature and experience newness of life (2 Corinthians 5:15-17).
This question separates babes in Christ with what one Pastor called “Dangerous Disciples.” Christians who aren’t just saved, but are roomchangers for the Lord everywhere they go by living a changed and altered life for the Lord. It goes without saying that outside of heaven and union with Christ, this is the goal of the Christian life. Is your
life altered for Christ? There are two ways to find out.
1. How do you see others not in the church or not active? As a hindrance, or opportunity to live for and show Christ (2 Corinthians 5:16,21). The point isn’t to see a return on your time you have invested , it’s to glorify Christ. Even if it means letting go of the situation you are investing in.
2. Are you taking care of yourself? What’s your diet like? Is your life an echo chamber? How do you manage stress? When adversity hits, do you get angry and “snarky”, do you share that divisive facebook post or tweet? Or do you channel that stress into something positive such as prayer, journaling, read the scriptures, play with your family, etc? As a Coach I saw a lot of the former all the time. So when every time I saw a positive response to stress, I always tried to take note. For me, recently, I have started the practice of leaving my phone in my room for an hour when I wake up each morning to focus on my prayer life, scriptures, and my overall covenant with God, followed by an hour workout. This has reaped great benefits on my outlook, confidence, and decision making when the day begins. Even when the choices are wrong, I haven’t worried about them, due in part to my deliberate choice to focus on my commitment to Christ each morning. The good news, when my kids are home and they wake me up early, THAT is devotion to Christ as well (cf Romans 12:1)!
- Change your perceptions. We can’t control the effects of the sinful choices of others. But we can pray for ourselves, and others, to bear it. Change “While we are in this tent we groan” in Second Corinthians 5:4 to whatever situation is bothering you. So, it will read “While ___________ we are burdened because we don’t want to be unclothed but to be clothed, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life.”- 2 Corinthians 5:4. For the Christian, life comes from Christ and Him alone (cf John 10:10). Be the type of Christian that prays for life, literally for Christ Himself to make an impact on any situation good or bad. I am grateful for all the people Christ has used to make an impact on my wife, my son and daughter, and the churches I have served. When times get tough, those are the moments help me realize that change for Christ is always ongoing. May the God who never changes continue to prune us for His glory, and like a third base coach wave us home so that He might be glorified!